COMPANY - Hanyu Energy is make a new leap forward onthe back of change and innovation.

About Hanyu Energy

The largest distributor of pertroleum and producer of special oil in korea.

Hanyu Energy
Hanyu Energy

Energy Solutions for a Better Life Enterprise Han Yu Energy

About Hanyu Energy

The petroleum company specialized in producing and selling LPG, Lubricants, Ashpalts, General oil.

Starting with sale and distribution of petroleum in 1981, Hanyu Energy has strengthened its status as a specialized distributor of petroleum products by developing and selling industrial lubricants that serve as a catalyst for improved efficiency of industrial machinery through diversified business areas.
In particular, the company secured establishments not only in Seoul but also in Gyeonggi-do and Jochiwon and suggested competitive prices for petroleum products while doing its utmost to continuously improve services and expand its network.
The company has also realized a perfect supply system through improvement of supply and quality of raw materials and expansion of distribution network by selling industrial lubricants with high quality and performance. At the same time, the company is fulfilling its responsibility to directly and indirectly give back corporate profits to the society through sale of asphalt products, the main components of social infrastructure.

  • See below

    Hanyu Energy family

Starting with establishment of a local entity in China in 2010, the company installed a local subsidiary in Taiwan in 2012 in order to facilitate supply of raw materials, increase economic feasibility and enhance services while preparing a new vision as a global company.

Hanyu Energy will continue to develop into an industrial leader that realizes improved quality and technological innovation through ceaseless research and development on products while fulfilling its social responsibility as a tip-topmost marketing group befitting changing market trends.

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Date of posting: April 28, 2016